Why It’s Hard To Build Muscle With Low Testosterone Levels?

Why It’s Hard To Build Muscle With Low Testosterone Levels

If you are a male and find it hard to build muscle, low testosterone levels may be causing your struggles. 

Here we are discussing Low Testosterone levels and what makes it hard to build muscle. Stay tuned.

Factors That Affect Muscle Growth

As you may suspect, exercise plays a large portion in muscle growth. When exercise is performed, it can create a small window of Testosterone release. This, in turn, will affect muscle growth. The type of exercise and duration of exercise also affect the amount of Testosterone that is produced. Activities such as endurance exercises can have an adverse effect and decrease Testosterone levels. Other exercises such as consistent metabolic conditioning workouts will increase levels of Testosterone.

The Role of Testosterone in Muscle Growth

Testosterone has many roles to fill in the human body, but the main function it completes is muscle growth. It is suspected that even in the womb, male babies’ exposure to androgens will determine their muscles’ ability to grow when adulthood is reached. If you suffer from deficient levels of Testosterone, you will most likely have a harder time losing weight and building muscle progressively.

Normal Testosterone Levels

The American Urological Association (AUA) states that a Testosterone level of at least 300 nanograms per deciliter is normal for a male. Low Testosterone would be any number or unit lower than this. Levels ranging from 450-600 are considered normal and would be considered such if symptoms decreased or disappeared once TRT or Testosterone Replacement Therapy had been finished.

Low Testosterone Levels

There are a few factors that can affect Testosterone levels in the male body. More specifically, these items can lower Testosterone levels. They are as follows: 

  • Consuming chronically fewer calories than your body needs
  • Drug use
  • Alcohol use
  • Overtraining
  • Depression
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Unhealthy sex life
  • Obesity
  • Chronic illness
  • Deficiency of micro and macronutrients
  • Infections
  • Poor sleep patterns. 

What Are Symptoms of Low Testosterone Levels?

Low Testosterone levels can come with a few warning signs. You might experience low energy, less strength capacity, an increase in cardiovascular risk, low libido, increased breast size, hot flashes, an increase in body fat, and trouble reaching orgasm. You can imagine, that if you are experiencing some of these symptoms listed above, you do not feel good. Your lack of energy and increase in body fat alone might deter you from doing things that will positively affect your Testosterone levels. This is another reason why it is hard to build muscle with Low T. the energy and body capacity it takes to make positive changes such as exercising consistently or eating healthy might not seem appetizing when your body is feeling worn out and exhausted. 

When Should I Get My Testosterone Levels Checked?

If age is not a factor for your decrease in Testosterone levels and you think you are experiencing symptoms, chat with your doctor. An appointment can be set up to have a physical, do some blood work, and review your past sexual history and symptoms. You can also take this free online Testosterone test found here. This test is a quick questionnaire that will highlight some potential problem areas. You will be asked questions that have to do with your sexual health, such as your libido levels and erection history. Once submitted, you will get your results instantly and be given a discounted rate if you want to talk with a specialist.

How Can I Keep Healthy Levels of Testosterone?

If you are a male and in the younger years of your life, age is not going to be a factor in affecting your levels of Testosterone. With that out of the way, here are 10 things you can do now to help your T levels stay between normal ranges. 

  1. Get restful sleep each night. 6-9 hours is a good range to aim for.
  2. Put your mental health on top priority.
  3. Cultivate healthy relationships.
  4. Eat vegetables at each meal.
  5. Drink at least 100 oz. of water each day.
  6. Limit fast food.
  7. Eat protein with each meal.
  8. Pick up a hobby.
  9. Limit packaged sweets and sugars.
  10. Exercise regularly 3-5 days per week.

What Are Other Treatment Options for Low T?

Some individuals choose to undergo different treatments for their symptoms of Low T. We are highlighting some of these different routes below.

-TRT or Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Injections are a common form used for Testosterone Replacement Therapy. Generally, the first appointment is done in the office where you will be given the first dose and then instructed on how to do the injections in the comfort of your own home. If this does not sound appealing, you can choose to make appointments in the office to receive the injections there. A second treatment option for TRT would be topical creams or gels. These creams and or gels have prescription level Testosterone in them. They dry quickly and are applied directly to the skin. Testosterone is then absorbed through the bloodstream to begin taking its effects. Other forms of TRT are pellets, patches, and oral medications.

Visit Genesys Men’s Health for Your Testosterone Needs

If you are experiencing a dip in your muscle growth or performance and wonder if low Testosterone is to blame, give us a call. At Genesys Men’s Health, we pride ourselves on taking in each individual patient and treating them with unique care. We know everyone is different, and their treatment should reflect that. We specialize in Low Testosterone treatments and are happy to answer any questions you may have. We have a free resource you can use on our website at genesysmenshealth.com. This free test can help you determine if you have Low T, and get you connected with the right specialists to help. We have an office located in Sandy, Utah. Come by and chat with our friendly staff, or even dial us by phone at (801)-671-7456. Contact us today!

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Utah Men's Health Specialists
Genesys Men's Health Institute

7535 Union Park Ave (3rd Floor), Sandy/Midvale, Utah 84047

Phone: (844) CURE4ED