What Are Normal Testosterone Levels

What Are “Normal” Testosterone Levels?

What Are “Normal” Testosterone Levels?

Male or female, chances are, you have heard of Testosterone levels at some point in your lifetime, especially as you’ve gotten older. 

Terms such as The King of male hormones, The hormone responsible for deep voices and big muscles, or even The Juice or the Test. However you spin it, Testosterone is a key factor in how our bodies operate every single day. Knowing where your Testosterone levels stand can be beneficial in determining any health issues you may be experiencing. We are talking about all things Testosterone here: from what it is to what is considered a normal Testosterone level for men your age. You will want to stay tuned.

What Is Testosterone?

Testosterone is a hormone that belongs to the family of Androgens. It is a necessary hormone that is made and regulated in the human body. This hormone is responsible for growth. Both males and females make and produce Testosterone, although it has different roles in each gender.

Why Is Testosterone so Important?

Testosterone is one of the essential hormones needed to survive and thrive for human beings. Without it, males would not be able to journey through puberty and develop important sex organs. They would also not be able to grow facial or body hair, have a masculine voice, or develop muscle size, have healthy sperm, or a sexual libido.

How Is Testosterone Made in The Body?

For males, Testosterone is created and made in an entirely different way than it is for their counterpart-females. It is synthesized in the Leydig cells in the Testes. Let me explain. In the brain, the hypothalamus releases GNRH which controls the secretion of Testosterone. This in turn signals the pituitary gland to release LH which turns cholesterol into testosterone in the Leydig Cells. Along with many other hormones, Testosterone is also regulated by a feedback loop in the human body. In essence what this means is that when the body senses that there is “too much” of the hormone- it turns off the tap at the source (the brain). This feedback loop phenomenon is why it is important to have help with your levels if you need it and seek it, and not just receive additional Testosterone because of superficial desires or wants. 

If you have a normal Testosterone level and you give yourself more testosterone, your body will notice this and stop producing it all together. This can have adverse effects in short and in the long run that could take years to reverse. Some studies have shown that around 25% of men are using Testosterone Replacement Therapy when they have no indications of Low T and have not had their levels checked prior to starting treatment.

What Are Symptoms of Hypogonadism?

Hypogonadism, or  “Low T,” has many different symptoms that can be noticed or go relatively unnoticed. One might experience trouble sleeping, lack of concentration, depression, fatigue, large breasts in men, Erectile Dysfunction, Infertility, and decreased sexual desire or libido. If you find you have one or more of these symptoms listed above, chat with your doctor about the need to refer out to a specialist to find out your Testosterone Levels.

Can I Have too Much Testosterone?

The answer is yes, although this problem occurring is extremely rare. Believe it or not, having Testosterone levels that are considered too high can actually have adverse effects on sperm and sexual organ function and size. The cases where you generally see too much testosterone are for professional athletes who use steroids and injections to boost their sports performance when it is not needed. Too much of this hormone can cause low sperm counts, euphoria, mood swings, decrease in size of penis and testes, stunted growth, blood clots, insomnia, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, weight gain, acne, liver disease, heart muscle damage, increased risk of heart attack, swelling, irritability, and impaired judgment.

When Should I Get Checked for Low Testosterone?

When you start to notice a difference in your sexual libido and you are of a young age, that is a good time to be seen. It could be from a myriad of reasons, and finding out the answers will set your mind at ease. You do not have to live life feeling unwell or unhealthy all of the time. It’s ok to seek out information and use the resources you have available to you to find some more answers to your health concerns. 

Your first step on this journey is to talk to your doctor. During this appointment you can express your symptoms and concerns to your doctor and together discuss what the possible course of action would be. You will need to have a physical exam completed, along with answering some questions about your past sexual relationships, sexual history, symptoms and illnesses, and current relationship status. Your doctor will also schedule some labs for you to complete which would involve having your blood drawn. A single blood sample would be sufficient to determine proper Testosterone levels in the body, but your doctor could also order a salivary Testosterone test.

What are Normal Testosterone Levels?

The American Urological Association or (AUA) has stated that a Testosterone level of at least 300 nanograms per deciliter is considered a normal level for a male. Anything below this level would be termed “Low T”. Levels ranging from 450-600 are considered to be normal and would be considered such if symptoms decreased or disappeared once TRT or Testosterone Replacement Therapy had been completed.

Why Does Testosterone Decrease Over Time in the Body?

From teenage years and on up through adulthood, our bodies are dramatically and drastically changing. Not only on the outside, but on the inside as well. When in the teenage years and into early adulthood, the levels of Testosterone in the body are at their optimum levels. Once past the early adulthood stage and when reaching over the 30 year mark, testosterone levels generally drop at about 1% per year. 

This could vary depending on an individual basis taking into account different body composition and make up, but the general research still stands. As we age it is normal to have decreasing levels of Testosterone in the body. This is an expected part of aging as our bodies grow older and continue to change. What is considered  not normal, is seeing or feeling changes in your Testosterone levels as you are in your younger years, when normally your body should be thriving at normal ranges.

What Can I Do To Keep My Testosterone Levels Normal?


To keep your body healthy and have your best chance at normal Testosterone levels, there are a few things you can start doing now. Start by taking care of your body. Yes that’s it. Creating a healthy lifestyle for yourself will give you the biggest chance in your levels staying normal consistently. Start by implementing a consistent workout program for yourself. The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends adults get 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic exercise per week. If you are doing vigorous exercise, 75 minutes per week is recommended.

In addition to this, including 2 days per week of muscle strength training is also a must. So what is moderate intensity? Moderate intensity exercise is considered activities such as dancing, water aerobics, gardening, biking, and brisk walking. Vigorous intensity exercise activities would be considered to be running, hiking uphill, cycling, tennis, jump rope or tennis. 


Yet another severely underrated necessity in life that will aid in healthy Testosterone levels. As humans we tend to get busy and busier. We have jobs and families, friends and social lives, and hobbies and more things to do that fill all of the cracks in our free time. Usually sleep is the first thing to go when the need for more time creeps in. Make a promise to yourself today that you will prioritize sleep. Not only for your emotional and mental well being, but for the positive Testosterone gains it can give you in addition to a consistent exercise routine. Aim for sleeping 7-9 hours each night. 


Aside from getting your body moving every day, what you eat is as important- if not more important to your overall health. Adjusting your diet can create successful ripples in your current and future health goals. You do not have to start big here. Start by paying attention to what you eat in a day. Notice how much water you drink, how many sweets you consume, and how much packaged food you buy. Notice how many calories you eat, if it’s less or more than optimal. This is not for the purpose of losing weight, but more on the path to ensuring you are eating enough food throughout the day and not restricting to an unhealthy standard or even binging to an unhealthy level.  Awareness is the first step to making adjustments at an easy pace. Bread and pastries have been shown to have lowering effects for Testosterone. LImiting foods in this area will help keep your Testosterone levels at a healthy level. 

Alcohol consumption has also been linked to  Low T. Limiting your intake will also have a beneficial result in healthy levels of Testosterone. Along with certain foods to avoid when trying to maintain normal levels of this hormone, there are also certain foods that help raise Testosterone levels. These foods consist of salmon, tuna, oysters,crab, lobster, shellfish, black beans, eggs, beef, milk, spinach, kale, garlic, onion,  and ginger. As you can tell, all of these foods are natural or whole foods that are already beneficial to the human body when consumed, but have the additional benefit of increasing Testosterone levels as well.

What Are Available Treatment Options for Low Testosterone?

There are a few methods of treatment available for those individuals who are experiencing Low T and who are seeking improvement. Patches, Gels, Injections, Medications, & Pellets are your main options for therapy in the realm of TRT. Talk to your doctor about what one might be right for you, and any concerns you may have about starting treatment.


These prescription patches are to be placed on your skin and changed every 24 hours. They work by releasing a small amount of the hormone directly into your skin.


These gels are topical and should be used every day. The gel should be placed on the thighs, arms, or shoulders. Since this is a prescription gel, make sure to always wash your hands before and after application so as to not transfer the potent gel to any other surface or individual.


Injections are done in a series and can also have the option of being performed in your doctor’s office or by your own self at home. Irritability and mood swings between doses of shots has been noted.


These pellets are not the kind that you swallow like medication- they are the kind that are placed under the skin. They are a method to release Testosterone slowly and gradually and are placed around the buttocks and hips. Some users choose this route because you do not have to replace them as often since they can be changed out every 3-6 months.


Last but not least, this includes pills you can take every day that release Testosterone into the body at a gradual pace.

Visit Genesys Men’s Health

At Genesys Men’s Health, we take pride in putting the patient first and finding answers that are unique and specific to their symptoms and needs. No matter what your age, we are happy to offer solutions and provide answers. We offer an up to date and aggressive approach to TRT for men of all ages. If you feel like your Testosterone levels might need to be checked and are wondering if they are normal, don’t hesitate. Make an appointment today. You can do this by visiting our Sandy, Utah, office where one of our friendly staff members can help you with your schedule. Or you can give us a call at (801)-671-7456. Contact us today!

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Utah Men's Health Specialists
Genesys Men's Health Institute

7535 Union Park Ave (3rd Floor), Sandy/Midvale, Utah 84047

Phone: (844) CURE4ED