Men around the globe live with Erectile Dysfunction (ED) daily. This condition is common and more prevalent than one might think.
The demographics and information on Erectile Dysfunction have primarily been the topic of many studies worldwide to find out all about this disorder. So when does ED start? We are talking about it all here.
How Common Is Erectile Dysfunction?
In the United States alone, it is known that around 30 million men are living with ED. Fast forward to 2025, and science predicts that this number will climb to 300 million men living with Erectile Dysfunction. So what makes this disorder so prevalent? Read on to learn more.
How Is Erectile Dysfunction Diagnosed?
When ED someone is diagnosed with ED, the individual has to confirm a myriad of symptoms. These symptoms may include fatigue, inability to get or maintain an erection, and decreased sexual desire or libido levels. If you notice symptoms, you will need to make an appointment with your doctor for a wellness check. Here you will discuss sexual history, partners, signs you may be having, and any emotional, mental stressors you are experiencing. You may also have blood work ordered. Together you will come away with a plan to move forward and find more answers.
What Are Warning Signs of Erectile Dysfunction?
The main characteristic or warning sign of Erectile Dysfunction is difficulty forming or maintaining an erection. It’s not to say that you have ED if you have difficulty forming an erection. That may not be the case. For men worldwide, having some problem here and there is not all that uncommon. Now, if you are experiencing this more than half of the time- it would be in your best interest to talk to your doctor.
When Can Erectile Dysfunction Start?
Usually, it is common to see ED brought about by aging. This sign is just the body’s natural aging process and the byproduct of living. However, although uncommon- ED can be diagnosed between 20 and 80 years old. The younger the age, the rarer this occurrence is. If you are in the younger years of your life and feel like you may have ED, take the time to schedule a check-up with your doctor. There may be factors in your life that contribute to the onset of ED, and early detection can give you a head start on improving your symptoms at any age.
What is Causing My Erectile Dysfunction?
There is not always one thing that can cause your Erectile Dysfunction. Various situations and scenarios can bring on this condition. They are as follows:
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Diabetes
- Relationship Issues
- Drug Use
- Alcohol Use
- Poor Sleep
- Old Age
- Prescription Drugs
- Obesity
As previously stated, ED can be onset by one of the above conditions or several. It is best to recognize this early and get the help you need to improve your symptoms and risk factors.
If I Have Erectile Dysfunction, What Can I Do To Improve My Symptoms?
If you have ED, there are a few things you can be doing now that will improve your symptoms or decrease your chances of developing this disorder. They are as follows:
1.Upscale Your Nutrition
Don’t let the “Upscale” word fool you. Upscale does not mean that you have to change and revamp everything you love to eat entirely. It does, however, mean that it’s time you take a look at your eating habits and make them better. So how do you do this? Here is a suggestion: take a week from Monday to Sunday and get yourself some paper and a pen. You can even use the notes app on your phone. Take a few minutes at the end of every day to jot down what you ate and drank that day. At the end of the week, take a look at your finished product and review your nutrition habits. Here are some questions to ponder as you study:
- Do I eat the same foods every day?
- Do I need to drink more water?
- How is my protein? Do I have it at each meal?
- Do I eat most of my meals out?
- Am I consuming vegetables at each meal?
- Am I getting enough vitamins and minerals from my meals?
- Should I be taking a vitamin supplement consistently?
- Do I eat mostly packaged and processed foods?
- How is my sugar intake, and how can I improve it?
After reviewing these questions, you will have a better idea of where you stand in your nutrition intake during the week. Keep in mind that eating various fruits and vegetables every day is critical in keeping yourself healthy. Drinking water instead of sugary drinks, like soda, is beneficial to all body processes. Eating vegetables and other whole foods will keep your risk of developing ED low.
2.Start A Consistent Workout Routine
Taking care of your physical body is one of the best things you can do for yourself in this life. With that said, there is no “ one size fits all” exercise regime for everyone. But that is one of the great things about exercising. There are so many different activities and movements to do- you are bound to find a favorite that makes it easy to work out every day. Find your favorite class or action and stick to it.
Your biggest ally and tool is going to be consistency. You can have the most prestigious workout routine and have everything planned out for the days you exercise, but if you are not consistent – you will stay in the same place and never progress. So where can you start? Start by picking three days during your week that you can work out. Set aside time ahead of the game to have less chance of backing out on yourself. These workouts do not have to be terribly long, they can be short times spent moving your body- shoot for at least 30 minutes. The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends that adults get moderate intensity aerobic exercise three days per week or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity each week. Combine this with moderate to intense strength training two days per week, and you have the perfect recipe for health. Some examples of moderate-intensity aerobic exercises would be:
- Brisk Walking
- Gardening
- Dancing
- Tennis
- Slow Biking
Some examples of some vigorous-intensity exercises would be:
- Hiking Uphill
- Running
- Swimming
- Jumping Rope
- Heavy Yard Work
Start today and make a plan to get your body moving this week.
3.Get Enough Sleep
As humans, we vastly underestimate how much sleep we need. We also do not plan for ourselves to get enough sleep. Working full time, school, a family, hobbies, etc., can all get in the way of proper self-care. There are too many things to do during the day and not enough time to do them. So how does sleep affect you acquiring ED? There are two main pillars of health, diet and exercise, but sleeping is the third of these pillars. Without adequate sleep, your chances of anxiety and depression increase and lead to the onset of Erectile Dysfunction. Not only this, but your body restores and replenishes while you sleep. If sleep is nonexistent, your body is not getting the repair it needs to survive and thrive physically and mentally.
4.Limit Soy Products
Soy products have been shown to increase the chances of ED appearing and make your symptoms worse. Try avoiding tofu, soy milk, soy nuts, etc.
5.Take Care Of Your Mental Health
ED is a byproduct of not only physical stress but also mental stressors. Relationship issues, anxiety, depression, work stress, and more can weigh heavy on the mind and, in turn, increase your chances of onset. Take priority over your mental health today. Here are a few ways you can start:
- Research a counselor in your area.
- Take a mental health day off work.
- Learn to say no and create boundaries.
- Meet with friends once a month.
- Phone a friend or loved one.
These are just a few ideas to get your brain rolling on productive ways to put your mental health first.
Visit Genesys Men’s Health For Your Erectile Dysfunction Needs
If you have any questions about ED or need some support- we are local and ready to take on new patients in Sandy, Utah, and other surrounding areas. Our staff is well trained in the methods to treat Erectile Dysfunction, such as hormone replacement and shockwave therapies which have provided proven results for hundreds of men who have come to us for help.
You can also take our ED self-test, where you can fill out the questionnaire to submit to our staff of doctors who can chat with you about your specific scenario. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and learn more about how we can tackle your ED together.