Top 10 Testosterone Boosting Foods in 2021

Top 10 Testosterone Boosting Foods in 2021

If you are a male who suffers from low Testosterone, you may not know there are Testosterone boosting foods you can include in your diet.

These can help you increase your Testosterone stores. If you already know them, you are well on your way to feeling like yourself again! If not, we are discussing them all in-depth here so that you have the tools you need to take the next step.

A Breakdown of Testosterone

Testosterone is a hormone. It is not just found in men; it is also found in women. Both genders use it and need it to thrive in life. This hormone is part of the group of Androgens—namely hormones—that build. Breaking that down, it essentially means that Testosterone helps bodies in a lot of ways, like growth. This hormone is responsible for a few processes in men, including; deepening of the voice in puberty, hair growth, muscle growth, bone strength, and the development of the reproductive organs. There are two types of Low Testosterone, or Low T, diagnoses: Primary and Secondary Hypogonadism.

Primary Hypogonadism

Testicles that do not provide sufficient levels of Testosterone fall under this category of this disorder. This type of Low T can be inherited or can be caused by an accident or illness. Some examples of Primary Hypogonadism are;

-Klinefelter’s Syndrome

-Undescended Testicles


-Cancer Treatment

-Physical Injury

-Mumps Orchitis

Secondary Hypogonadism

This type of Hypogonadism is due to any damage that could have been made to the Hypothalamus or Pituitary Gland. Both of these sections of the brain are in control of hormone production in the Testes. Some examples of Secondary Hypogonadism are;

-Kallmann Syndrome


-Inflammatory Disorders

-Pituitary Disorders

-Normal Aging




If you are looking through these lists and thinking you might have more than one, it is possible to have Primary or Secondary Hypogonadism or even a mix of both.

When Do Testosterone Levels Start to Change?

If you are a male and find that you might suffer from Low T, age can offer a bit of insight into if this disorder is what you are truly facing. As men age, the body generally will produce lower and lower amounts of Testosterone. This is just a normal part of the aging process and does not need to cause alarm. If you are a man and are 30 or younger and experiencing symptoms of Low T, this circumstance is not considered to be normal. You might consider consulting with your doctor or physician on what symptoms you are experiencing and where you can start to get help.

What Are Signs of Low T?

Here is a list of symptoms you might experience if you have Low T:


-Genital numbing

-Low sex drive

-Lack of interest in sex


-Low energy

-Mood swings

-Weight gain

-Loss of muscle mass

-Testicular shrinkage

What Can I Do If I Think I Have Low T?

If you believe you have Low Testosterone, there are a few things you can do.

Start to take an inventory of what you are eating on a day-to-day basis. Do you see any foods listed in this article that you can cut out or limit? Are there foods listed in this article that you need to include in your diet or eat more of? Start there. Get enough sleep and take care of your mind as well. You can also call in and schedule an appointment with your doctor. You will have the opportunity to discuss the symptoms you have noticed as well as get a physical exam and probably some blood work. Another resource available to you is our free Testosterone test on our website. Some of the questions you might see on your test are written below and can be answered in a Yes or No format:

I have a reduced desire for sex that is not OK with me.
I have erectile dysfunction
I have a lack of drive and motivation that affects my productivity
I lack energy and am always tired
Life is less enjoyable than it used to be
Fun activities are less fun or take too much effort
I often feel irritable and grumpy
I have noticed a loss of tone in my muscles
Weight seems to settle stubbornly in certain areas of my body and remains there despite weight loss
My workout results do not match my efforts

After you answer the questions to this online quiz, you will get your results instantly. You will then have the opportunity to talk to one of our doctors for a discounted fee. You can find this free resource here

Nutrition and Testosterone Levels

Nutrition can be a great tool in giving you a step up to keeping your body healthy and your Testosterone levels at a normal range. Think of your body as a machine. If you are feeding it packaged foods, sugary drinks, quick snacks, and fast food, you are most likely going to feel the effects of no energy and depleted stamina quickly. In the long run, you will see effects on your body from having a bad diet for so long.  Whereas if you feed your body the nutrient-dense food it needs, you are more likely to have high energy and stamina, fewer health problems down the road, as well as a decreased risk of some sexual health disorders showing up, such as Low Testosterone.

  • Ginger

The Ginger Root has been used for many ages in medicine and science. This food has a lot of beneficial properties when consumed. Research today has been shown that it improves the outcomes of fertility in males. In a study published by the Medical Journal Of Tikrit University, it was found that men who took a Ginger supplement daily for the space of 3 months showed increased Testosterone levels of 17.7%.

  • Egg Yolks

Egg yolks are jam-packed with nutrients. For the purposes of this article, we are discussing the positive effects it has on Testosterone. Eating Egg Yolks has been found to help Testosterone and its free-flowing capacity through the body.

  • Oysters

Oysters are not a variety of food that the average individual finds appetizing. The taste can be acquired for most, but for some, it’s loved from the beginning. Oysters have a high amount of Zinc. Zinc is a powerhouse for increasing Testosterone levels in the human body. According to researchers, it is the ultimate sex food.

  • Pomegranates

Pomegranates are very beneficial to your body in a variety of ways, one of those being that they increase sperm count in men. Aside from boosting or creating a healthy sperm count, Pomegranates are also perfect to include in your diet if you need to raise your Testosterone levels naturally.

  • Tuna

Tuna is one of the healthiest seafood options you can find. It is high in Vitamin D and Omega-3-Fatty Acids, which in turn help increase levels of Testosterone in the body.

  • Green Vegetables

Think of all your leafy green vegetables. Kale, Swiss Chard, Spinach—they all are fortified with Magnesium, which is a natural Testosterone booster.

  • Yogurt

Yogurt is a great probiotic, and as such, it has a lot of nutrients and good bacteria that make up its consistency. As such, it aids in synthesizing Testosterone in the Adrenal Gland and Testicles.

  • Pumpkin Seeds

These little seeds are small, but pack a huge punch in taste and what they help regulate in the body. We have discussed the benefits of Zinc and Magnesium in reference to Testosterone. Pumpkin seeds contain both Zinc and Magnesium, making them a Testosterone Boosting superfood.

  • Coconut

The meat of the Coconut and the water both have many beneficial properties when consumed. It is known to be rich in a variety of Saturated Fats. Saturated Fats have been shown to aid in boosting Testosterone levels.

  • Onions

You may know them from making you cry and stinking up your house. But they also make many dishes flavorful and provide a nice added touch to your meals. But did you know onions also help your Testosterone levels increase? In a study published in the Balkan Medical Journal, when rats were given onion juice for 4 weeks, scientists observed an increase in Testosterone Levels.

What Foods to Avoid When Trying to Boost Testosterone

Just as there are foods to include in your diet that will help to raise these levels naturally, there are a handful of foods to avoid when trying to boost your testosterone organically. When you think about Testosterone and nutrition, remember that foods high in fat, sugar, and salt will have adverse effects. Generally, this will be more pre-packaged or processed foods that fall into this category. Foods that are pre-packaged and have to be reheated, or heated up in plastic containers also pose a health risk for hormone function. Plastic can release BPA, which is a harmful chemical that can do damage to hormone levels without the individual realizing what is happening. Aside from pre-packaged foods, the following are some foods to pay attention to that could be affecting your hormone levels.

Soy Products

Edamame, Soy, Tofu, are a few of the foods that contain Soy. Research has shown that eating foods that contain soy can increase levels of the hormone Estrogen in men, which can cause an increase in the development of breast tissue.


Consuming alcohol has been shown to have negative effects on hormone levels. In a study published by the Current Drug Abuse Review, it was found that increased drinking over long periods will have a lowering effect on the Testosterone levels of males.

Desserts And Pastries

As mentioned previously, eating pre-packaged snacks or other fast food items that are high in sugar can harm the levels of Testosterone in your body. By avoiding or adjusting the eating patterns of these foods, you can increase your chances of not developing Low T in your lifetime.

What Treatment Options Are Available for Low Testosterone?

Injections — Once you meet with your specialist, you can decide on a series of injections. The first one or two are usually done in the office, and then you have the option to make an appointment to come in for the rest, or pick them up and do them in the comfort of your own home. After the injections, Testosterone levels can hit a high and then gradually decline to a low over time. This can cause some mood swings and irritability between shots and should be noted.

PatchesPatches allow you to apply a new skin patch every 24 hours. They release small doses of the hormone into your skin.

Gels —  Every day, you apply this prescription gel to your shoulders, arms, or thighs. Since this is a medical-grade gel, the importance of proper handwashing after the application is key to prevent others from coming into contact with the gel.

MedicationCapsules can be swallowed that release Testosterone into the bloodstream daily.

Pellets —  Small implants are placed under the skin. They are put around the hips or buttocks area of your body and release Testosterone slowly. These are replaced every 3 to 6 months.

Visit Genesys Men’s Health for All Your Testosterone Needs

At Genesys Men’s Health, we value each individual that walks through our doors. We know every human being on earth is different, and so are our patients. As a result, their unique treatment should also meet their unique needs. We hope you have enjoyed this article and information on the top Testosterone boosting foods for 2021. 

If you find that you are experiencing some symptoms of Low Testosterone, or if you simply have any other questions about men’s health or sexual health, we are here to help. Our team of doctors and specialists are experienced in Low T and are happy to assist you. You can stop by our office and speak with our friendly staff. We are located in Sandy, Utah. Or you can give us a call by phone at (801)-671-7456. Contact us today!

Utah Men's Health Specialists
Genesys Men's Health Institute

7535 Union Park Ave (3rd Floor), Sandy/Midvale, Utah 84047

Phone: (844) CURE4ED