Lifestyle Changes Every Man Should Make Today

The Lifestyle Changes Every Man Should Make Today

To all the men reading this article, there are still lifestyle changes you can make to better your life today. 

Age does not matter, old or young—it is never too late to start making healthier changes for yourself. We are sharing our advice on getting you started. Take a look.

Clean up Your Diet

There are many reasons to consider what you eat every day and start making healthier choices. If you are feeling run down with low energy, gaining weight, breaking out, and not getting a solid night’s sleep… you might need to adjust what you eat. Nutrition also affects your chances of developing Erectile Dysfunction (ED) at any time throughout your life. Food affects your body more than you realize. When you eat whole foods that are rich in micro and macronutrients, your body will react differently than if you eat packaged and processed foods.

Certain foods can aid in avoiding ED. They are: 

  • Watermelon
  • Cucumbers
  • Pumpkin
  • Chicken
  • Turkey
  • Peanuts
  • Spinach
  • Arugula
  • Celery
  • Egg Yolks
  • Milk
  • Salmon
  • Walnuts
  • Almonds
  • Pistachios
  • Olive Oil
  • Blueberries
  • Oranges
  • Peppers
  • Wholegrains
  • Peaches

Notice all of these foods have one thing in common. They are all animal protein or whole food sources. There are no packaged or processed foods listed that will benefit your ED symptoms. Eating healthier has the potential to decrease these symptoms for you, and it would be an easy switch. The big misconception about eating healthier is that it is complicated. The truth is, it doesn’t have to be. You don’t have to start by weighing your food, counting calories, or cutting out major food groups. You do start by changing little habits every day that will lead you to bigger, sustainable changes down the road. Here are 10 ways you can start today:

  1. Drink 100 oz. of water per day.
  2. Limit sugar intake.
  3. Bring a water bottle with you to work.
  4. Eat protein at each meal.
  5. Don’t grocery shop on an empty stomach.
  6. Plan your meals ahead of time.
  7. Wash and cut up your vegetables when you buy them.
  8. Eat more vegetables.
  9. Take a vitamin supplement.
  10. Bring your lunch to work.

Reading that list all together might seem overwhelming. To avoid feeling overwhelmed, just start by choosing one thing from the list and work on it for a week or two. Once you feel like you have mastered the task, and it no longer seems like a chore, move on to the next one. This is how healthy habits are built. Slow and steady does win the race.

Commit to Consistent Excercise

Not everyone can workout 6 days a week at high intensity. Good thing you don’t have to, to see results. The effects of exercise on the body are extremely beneficial. For the brain, feelings of anxiety and depression decrease, and cognition and function increase. By exercising regularly, you also will have improved sleep and decrease your chances of developing heart disease, stroke, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and certain types of cancers. 

So how often should you work out? There is no one size fits all regime for everyone when it comes to working out and exercising. If you have not exercised in a while, have recovered from an injury, or are a beginner, start slow. It is recommended to get 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardiorespiratory exercise each week or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise each week (or a combination of both). In addition to these recommendations, it is also advised to add 2 days of strength training each week. 

That might seem like a large chunk of time at first, but broken down to a few days per week makes it doable. Find a routine that works for your schedule. Most people work full-time, which can be a big roadblock to finding time to fit your workout in. Be creative. Can you work out in the early morning before work? Do you have a longer lunch break you can take advantage of? What about when you get off work, can you stop by the gym on your way home? Make it a priority to plan your schedule ahead so that when you are too tired and are faced with the decision to work out or not—you choose to work out because the hard guesswork is taken care of already.

Cultivate Healthier Relationships

Take a look at the relationships in your life, romantic and non-romantic. Are there certain connections you have that cause you anxiety and stress? Are there people in your life that put you down, or constantly take from you? Relationships are a fulfilling part of life, but if you are lacking in this area, it can feel draining and exhausting. Choose people in your corner who cheer you on, are happy to see you, don’t cause drama or unneeded stress, and who are dependable and trustworthy friends.

Set Clear Boundaries with Work

One of the main time constraints individuals have with leading a healthier lifestyle is time. They have a full-time job that requires a large chunk of their time and energy. By the time they are done with tasks, they have nothing left in their tank for themselves, let alone anyone else. Sometimes jobs can easily blend into your personal life and start to take time away from your home life. Setting clear boundaries with your job ahead of time will save you and your loved ones stress and heartache in the future. Take a minute to assess your current career and how you manage your boundaries. Are there areas that need better boundaries set? Are there improvements you can make to better your life in this way? Start there.

Ditch the Alcohol

Alcohol has been used as a means to cope, wind down, and also celebrate and gather for individuals around the world. One or a few of these reasons might ring true for you, too. If you consume alcohol, there are some questions you can ask yourself to determine how to move forward in creating lifestyle changes for yourself.

  1. How often do I drink alcohol?
  2. When I drink alcohol, is it for a specific reason?
  3. Do I drink alone?
  4. Do I act impulsively or dangerously when I have a drink?
  5. Does consuming alcohol have a negative or positive effect on my life?

Based on how you answered those questions, you can decide if removing alcohol from your life will be a positive change. If you are experiencing symptoms of ED, This would be a positive place to start as alcohol consumption has been linked to the development and onset of Erectile Dysfunction.

Pick up a New Hobby

You are never too old to participate in hobbies you love and find new ones to start. Staying active and doing things you love keeps you young. It is also beneficial for your mental health. You learn new activities and make new friends.

Invest in Your Mental Health

For some reason, society tells us that physical health is more important than mental health. This ideology is wrong, and slowly the world is beginning to take better care of itself. There is no shame in getting help for your mental wellness. Here are some ways you can get started:

  1. Purchase a journal and start journaling.
  2. Start a gratitude practice.
  3. Seek out a therapist or counselor.
  4. Schedule self-care.
  5. Exercise regularly.

All of these options will greatly benefit your mental health. The more you fill your cup, the more you can pour to others.

Manage Your Time Better

There are 1440 minutes in a day. Every single one of you is given the same amount of time. How do you spend your day? If you have a full-time job, the importance of managing your time is very important. 8 hours of your day are already accounted for, so how you spend the rest of your allotted time can make or break your lifestyle. Get a planner, make a list, whatever works for you to follow, and track your time on it.

Decrease Your Scrolling Time

You know the feeling: you get home from work and eat dinner, and it’s already time to go to bed for your early wake-up call. Instead of going to sleep right away, you open up your phone and start scrolling to wind down. Before you know it, 2 hours have gone by, and you are still awake. By now, you feel more exhausted, your eyes are red, and you are wired and can’t sleep. 

You spend the next few hours tossing and turning until you finally fall asleep. The morning comes too soon, and your 4 hours of sleep is not enough to fuel your workday. Sound familiar? For most people, the time spent on their cell phone scrolling is astronomical. When you are bored, what do you do? Pull out your phone and check social media. Commence scrolling. Or you hop on your email and answer a few of them. Now, scrolling and using social media is not bad. It is an awesome way to connect with people, but there is always room for improvement. Take a look at how much you are on your phone every day. Then look at your goals, to-do lists, and family. What could you be doing instead of being on your phone?

Pick up a New Book

This topic could tie into the paragraph listed above. Grabbing a new book can be a great task to do instead of mindlessly scrolling on your phone. Interested in something? Instead of scrolling the internet, go to your local library and find books on the subject. IT can also be a great way to build relationships with people by reading together.

Drink More Water

Drinking water is necessary for human survival. Everyone knows that. So why is it that the average individual has such a hard time consuming enough water? Our bodies are made up of more than 50% water. Water is involved in many body processes that keep you alive. Your brain, lungs, heart, skin, muscles, kidneys, and bones all utilize water to sustain your life. In the daily business of full-time jobs, families, and relationships, it is easy to forget to drink water throughout the day or to drink something else altogether. There are now soda shops on every corner, and soda is available at every restaurant and fast food place you look. It also tastes better than water, which is a large factor in the popularity of soda drinks today. You can still enjoy your favorite soda pop while consuming enough water each day. Think of the 80/20 rule. 80% of the time, make it a point to drink water. 20% of the time, choose a fun drink of your choice to consume. Creating healthier habits does not mean giving up your favorite food and drinks.

Have Lunch with Friends More

This topic involves keeping your social life going. As you get older, don’t forget to make friends and form new relationships. Life can get busy as an adult man. Take initiative and schedule lunch with a friend each month or a weekend trip with your family. Be proactive about getting out and keeping your social life active. Humans need connection; it is medicine for the brain. 

Start Scheduling Your Yearly Physicals

As you get older, it becomes easier not to go to the doctor. Whether you are sick or need a check-up, appointments get pushed under the rug for more pressing matters in your life. This is one of the lifestyle changes that you need to make happen in your life. Schedule your yearly physicals and go to them. Even if you don’t have symptoms of sickness, it is a good time to get a check-up to make sure you are healthy. If you do have any questions or concerns, it is a great time to chat with your doctor and get some feedback from a professional in the field.

Visit Genesys Men’s Health

At Genesys Men’s Health, we are committed to putting you first and helping you on your path to solutions and better lifestyle changes. We have highly trained staff members that are eager to help you find answers. Come into our office in Sandy, Utah, or give us a call at (801)-671-7456. Contact us today!

What Every Man Should Focus On After Age 50

What Every Man Should Focus On After Age 50?

Aging is inevitable, and turning 50 is a huge milestone in a man’s life, but you might wonder how your priorities will change after age 50.

Let’s face it, being a man comes with its perks. Optimum muscle growth, extra height, ability to grow magnificent beards and facial hair, and spending time with your guy friends. Just a few of the many things that make being a guy fun. These things can look different at progressive stages in your life. As you age, there are even more things you should focus on to put your health on the front lines. Curious about what that looks like for you? We are discussing all the details here.

Mental & Emotional Health

As young bucks, men aren’t super intuitive to taking care of their mental health. Schedules are usually packed with extracurricular activities, nights out with friends, and homework throughout adolescence. As college-age comes around, they tend to become busier with presentations, class assignments, more dating, and group projects. Not to mention test after test after test to study for. Slowly but surely, time for mental health is put on the back burner so that other important tasks can get finished. As college ends, maybe they land the dream job or get married and start a family. Maybe both happen. Life doesn’t slow down here, and then they keep getting older. After age 50, it does not slow down much either. So, no matter the stage of life – it’s going to take some sacrifice to prioritize your mental health. Taking time to let your mind rest and rejuvenate will only bring positive benefits to your life. Here are a five ways you can start now;

  1. Find a Therapist.
  2. Learn to meditate.
  3. Get 8-9 hours of restful sleep each night.
  4. Build solid friendships.
  5. Set boundaries with work and other commitments to your time.

Physical Health

Physical Health is a broad topic that can cover a wide range of facets of your overall wellness. For starters, let’s dive into taking care of your physical health with wellness checks, screenings, and regularly scheduled visits. This includes yearly physicals, dental cleanings, and eye exams. Have you slowly let these slip off your calendar? By actively having these important things scheduled, you are taking your physical health into priority. 

Having yearly wellness exams gives you a great opportunity to take an overall look at your body and note any unusual symptoms you may be experiencing. This is a great time for men to also talk about sexual health and discuss any concerns related to relationships, Testosterone levels, or Erectile Dysfunction. Your doctor can help you understand what you may be experiencing and point you in the right direction no matter what that looks like for you.

Erectile Dysfunction

This is a disorder that affects the penis and testes of males. Not every male will develop this in their lifetime, although it is more common as age progresses. Nearly 30 million men in the United States suffer from this condition. ED is characterized by the inability to form or keep an erection, low sexual libido, or general lack of interest in sex.

Risk Factors For ED

According to studies referenced by the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism or (JCEM), ED is associated with depression, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, and medications that are used to treat these conditions. Other risk factors would be smoking and hyperlipidemia.

Causes Of Erectile Dysfunction

There is a vast array of things that may contribute to Erectile Dysfunction. We are going to name some of them here.

-Relationship Stress

-Performance Anxiety






-Parkinson’s Disease

Treatment For ED

Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction has changed drastically over the last few years. A few current treatment options available are as follows:

Focused Shock Wave Therapy

Shockwave Therapy is another treatment option for Erectile Dysfunction. This form of therapy has been shown to work best with men who have Vasculogenic ED since this form affects the blood flow to the penis. 

Shockwave Therapy will use high-energy sound waves to quicken tissue repair and boost cell growth. Shockwave therapy helps to improve the blood flow to the penis and strengthens blood vessels in the process. To begin your procedure, your specialist will use a wand-shaped device and place it on different areas of the penis alternating around 15 minutes each. The wand emits small pulsing vibrations that help trigger blood flow and boost tissue remodeling. The most used treatment plan is to schedule your appointment two times a week for a period of three weeks, followed by no treatments for the next three weeks, and then repeating treatments twice a week for the next three weeks.

Radial Wave Therapy

 Another name for this form of therapy is Energy Wave Therapy. This is also a method used to help treat Erectile Dysfunction in men. Radial Wave Therapy uses sound waves to improve blood flow through the penis. The FDA has not approved this treatment method, although it has shown to have positive results in helping to treat dysfunction in the individuals who select to use it for treatment.

To start your procedure, a doctor will use a radial wave wand device to deliver low-intensity energy sound waves to the shaft of the penis. There are five points of contact to the penis he will deliver the sound waves to—three on the top of the shaft and two below the shaft. The sound waves pass through the skin and into the tissue to promote blood vessels to grow and increase blood flow, which will increase erectile functioning. Radial Wave Therapy is done over six weeks at twenty-minute increments for a total of six treatments. Since there is no pain associated with this treatment option, everyday life can resume after the session. There are no proven adverse side effects as yet seen by research. 


Nutrition is one of the most underrated forms of self-care on the earth. Food is medicine, and it can be such a powerful tool in taking care of our physical bodies. Many foods we eat can be contributing to unwanted symptoms of a bigger issue. Adjusting what you eat can often improve or alter how your body feels day in and day out. Here are five ways to get a grasp on your nutrition now:

  1. Keep a food log for one week & analyze what you eat.
  2. Limit processed foods during the week.
  3. Drink ½ your body weight in OZ of water each day.
  4. Eat protein with each meal.
  5. Eat veggies with each meal.

As men age, what is consumed as food becomes even more detrimental to health and wellness. Limiting processed foods and incorporating more whole food options can increase your chances of not developing low Testosterone or Erectile Dysfunction as age progresses.


After age 50, it’s common for our bodies to slow down, but moving our bodies every day has numerous benefits. Individuals who exercise regularly have better sleep, improved brain capacity, fewer symptoms of depression and anxiety, a decrease in chronic health conditions, lower risk of diabetes and heart disease, and less weight gain. If you do not already have a consistent workout regimen in your life, there is no time like the present to start one. It does not have to be excessive and time-consuming. Think about your schedule and what is a doable commitment for you. You might have more time in the morning to fit your workout in before work. Or you might find that you like to sleep in, and working out after work is best for you. Whatever you find, just start. 

CardioMake it a point to get in 30 minutes of intense cardio work at least 3 times each week. If you can hold a conversation while you are working out, you are not giving it your all. Take this time to put the work in, and the results will follow.

Strength TrainingThe other two days a week, you can alternate for some strength training. You should also be getting a good workout on these days as well, working up a sweat.

Mobilizing- This is something you should be doing every single day. Mobilizing and stretching are worth the effort in the time it takes to complete them. You will spend less time recovering from injury in the long run and have more time to work on your goals. This is especially important as you age. Bones and joints are more fragile as we get older, and the better we take care of them in stretching and mobilizing, the longer they will last.

Visit Genesys Men’s Health For Your Erectile Dysfunction Needs

Taking care of yourself throughout the ages and stages of life is crucial. At Genesys Men’s Health, we offer treatment options for a variety of sexual health needs. If you are a male over the age of 50 and searching for answers, come see us. We understand that aging is natural, and our bodies continue to change, making it more than okay to ask for help. We have an office in Salt Lake City, Utah, and serve everyone in the surrounding areas. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with our men’s health experts!

The Ultimate Gym Routine for Men in 2021

The Ultimate Gym Routine for Men in 2021

It’s 2021, and if you don’t have an exercise routine in play by now, it’s time to lock this ultimate gym routine down. 

This year, things are starting to feel more normal, and we are able to get back into our regular day-to-day schedule. This means gyms have regular hours, and mask mandates are being lifted. Take our ultimate gym routine and make it your own this year as you step back into your gym or workout from home.

How to Get Started

Think about your goals and ask yourself this series of questions:

  • Is my main goal this year to lose weight?
  • Is my main goal this year to gain muscle?
  • Is my main goal this year to feel good in my skin?
  • Is my main goal this year to train for an event or competition?
  • Is my main goal this year to build my endurance?
  • Is my main goal this year to improve my health and fitness?

Depending on how you answer these questions, you can find out your reason for starting your ultimate gym routine. Those individuals who start working out, but lack personal drive, reason, or a why tend to fall off the wagon and not get back on. Motivation is not inherent—it is a choice every single day. Your goal has to be important enough to you and specific enough for you to reach to make the changes everyday. There are going to be times when you have had a long day at work and you forgot to do your workout, but you just want to go home and pop a tv dinner in the microwave and rest on the couch. Those are the days you will especially benefit from keeping this commitment to yourself and gain mental and physical toughness as well as grit and self-confidence.

What to Consider

Consider your daily life, your interactions, your job, your hobbies, interests, and friends. Taking on a goal to put your health first does not come lightly. Here are a few tips that will be valuable to consider while you get started.

  1. Evaluate your daily schedule. When can you fit in a 30-minute workout each day? 
  2. Do you have a friend that can be your accountability partner?
  3. Identify problem areas or things you anticipate could get in your way. What are they?
  4. Are there any injuries you need to get treatment for before beginning?
  5. Is what you desire to do attainable and sustainable for you?

Don’t Stop There

Working out in a consistent workout routine while not changing your diet is like riding a bike backwards trying to get up a mountain. You are not going to get there as fast unless you adjust some factors. This step does not have to be huge and or drastic. If you know you don’t have a good diet filled with nutrient-dense foods, you have a lot of areas you can begin. Pick something that is attainable for you and would be an easy first step in making a positive change. This could look like buying a water bottle and drinking water during the day instead of reaching for your normal 2-3 cans of Dr. Pepper. Or, this could look like eating a solid breakfast before going into work instead of grabbing a pop tart from the vending machine on your first break. 

Little tweaks here and there at a comfortable pace will lead to a big change over time. Once you have practiced this change or new habit for 2-3 weeks, consider it a lifestyle change and move on to the next positive change you can make with what you eat. A rule of thumb you can remember is the 80/20 concept. 80% of the time you fuel your body with food that is nutrient-dense and provides you the calories and nourishment your body needs. 20% of the time you enjoy your favorite snacks, treats, and desserts. Balance is key.

 Some other areas you could explore in improving could be:

  1. Fitting in veggies with every lunch this week.
  2. Swapping a packaged snack for a whole food snack, like an apple and almond butter or pita bread and hummus.
  3. Utilizing food items like protein bars and protein shakes as snacks instead of high-fat and fast snack options, like a Twix bar or jelly donut.
  4. Eating until you’re 80% full at each meal.
  5. Sitting down while you eat your meals instead of eating on the run.
  6. Planning out your dinners for the week and prepping them ahead of time.
  7. Emphasizing your protein by including it in each meal.
  8. Enjoying your favorite treat (yes, you can still do this and be successful).
  9. Filling your pantry with healthier snack options.
  10. Eating when you are hungry.

Warm Up

Never underestimate the power of a good warm up. Warming up is essential to succeeding in your workout. You can workout harder and with more endurance when your body is warmed up and equipped for exercise. Increased blood flow and warm muscles are key for a successful workout routine. You also have an increased chance of injury when you jump into your workout without warming up and stretching your body first. Once you are injured, you will spend more time rehabbing your injury and taking it easy while you wait to get back to the gym. You might as well put the time in to warm up each session before you exercise so that you can save the injury time you might face down the road. An easy warm up example you can do for a cardio day is:

Jumping jacks 30 seconds

High-knees 30 seconds

Burpees 30 seconds

Push-Ups 30 seconds

Repeat for 5 rounds.

Cool Down

Cooling down has the same power that a solid warm up can give you, but in reverse. Think about it this way: you put your body through an intense 30-45 minute workout. By the time you are done you are out of breath, your face is red, and your lungs are on fire. Not to mention you feel like you are actually going to throw up. Now imagine you just re-rack your equipment and hop back in your car to go to the store on your way home, still trying to catch your breath. How miserable does this sound? Not just the fact that you are running from one place to another without slowing down, but that your body is still trying to cool down and get your heart rate back to baseline, cool off, and reach homeostasis; you aren’t cooperating to let it do that properly. 

Stop. Sit down. Get a drink. Catch your breath. Stretch and mobilize your sore muscles and give them a head start in recovery and prevention of injury. Remember to breathe, and slow down your body systems to relax. You will have less soreness and stiff muscles when you consistently stretch and mobilize after your workouts every day. Here is an easy cool down example you can do for a heavy leg day:

Hip flexor stretch 20 seconds

Hip rotators 20 seconds

Slow inchworm 20 seconds

Glute stretch 20 seconds

Repeat 2 rounds.

Ultimate Gym Routines: Intermediate Level

  1. Warm up of choice 10-15 min

Weighted walking lunges 20

Weighted squat pulse 20

Jump squats 20

Speed Skaters 20

  • 5 Burpees

Repeat 5 times through.

Cool down of choice: 10-15 min.

  1. Warm up of choice: 10-15 min

30 seconds each of each weighted exercise:

           Overhead press 

           Pike push up

           Tricep extension

           Bicep Curl


           Lateral Raise

Repeat 3-5 times through.

Cooldown of choice: 10-15 min.

Your Biggest Factor to Successful Goal Setting

You can set all the goals in the world for yourself, but if you do not work at them every day, you will not see the results you desire. Writing your intentions down on paper is one thing; it’s another thing to put those intentions to action and sit down and make a plan for yourself. Remember one word as you push forward each day — and that is CONSISTENCY. Consistency is the framework for getting where you want to go. Work hard for what you want and take it one day at a time. Make a commitment to yourself and keep it. An amazing workout plan, complete with meal guides and a nutrition coach will do nothing if you do not put the work in every single day. Use being consistent as your super power, and you will launch your results to what you have not seen before. 

Visit Genesys Men’s Health

We hope that you enjoyed our information on the ultimate gym routine for men in 2021. This year, take the initiative and put your health first. If your health is suffering and you also find you are experiencing lack of libido, fatigue, lack of energy, and more, come to our office. At Genesys Men’s Health, we have a friendly group of staff who can help answer any questions you may have and start finding you the answers you seek. We are located in Sandy, Utah. Stop by or give us a call at (801)-671-7456. Contact us today!

The 10 Best Superfoods Every Man Should Eat

The 10 Best Superfoods Every Man Should Eat

The 10 Best Superfoods Every Man Should Eat

Eating and maintaining a healthy diet is key to taking care of your body, so it’s essential to incorporate the best superfoods into your diet. 

We spend most of our time running from point A to point B. that we don’t fully take the time and energy it takes to fuel our body with what it truly needs. Here is some information on the best superfoods every man should eat, along with tips and tricks to up your health game along the way.

Nutrition Facts

If you find that you have no energy, are gaining weight quickly, or are experiencing other health issues, tweaking your diet might help. Somehow, society got away from the idea that food is fuel. Food is actual medicine for our bodies and can heal and build us from the inside out. This does not mean that you have to just eat fruits and vegetables to be successful in life. 

Success with anything, including your diet, is all about balance. If you are not balanced, you aren’t getting the most out of the process that you potentially can. Think about the 80/20 principle. When looking at your month and what you eat, breaking it down by week can be helpful. 80% of your week, try to eat foods that are healthy and provide the most bang for their buck. This includes protein at each meal, veggies with each meal, and limiting processed or packaged foods. The other 20%, use it to indulge in the foods you love. Have the candy here and there and the soda pop. By using this principle you can see amazing results in shifting your diet, and also create balance on the journey.

How to Get Started

You do not have to start black and white right off the bat. In fact, nutrition and health are not black and white and balance is required. You can enjoy the foods you love and still see the results you seek. Start small. This could look like bringing a water bottle with you to work and drinking ½ your body weight in ounces of water each day. This could also look like prepping whole food snacks to have at home and on the go. Whatever you choose, take the time to build the habit and move on to the next habit once you have mastered the current one. If you fall off the wagon, get right back on. It may be hard  and you may get discouraged and feel overwhelmed by what you set out to do. Everyone has days that are better than others. Be mindful of your progress and mindset. If you fail today, try again tomorrow. Keep showing up and the results will speak for themselves. 

Your Biggest Secret Weapon

It is one word, and this word will make or break your health goals. Rather, it can make or break any goals you set for yourself. That word is consistency. You can have a well thought out goal. With plans broken down on how to get there, all written down on paper in step by step actions for you to follow. But if you do not keep it up, and follow through every single day, none of it will matter. It is the small actions day in and day out that will determine your success. Being consistent is a super power. One that is severely overlooked in all aspects of life. Use it to your advantage.


The Superfoods

Eating a variety of nutrient dense foods in your diet mixed with good sources of protein and fat, is the prime way to get your body healthy. There are a few superfoods that have more nutrients packed in them than others, and we are giving all the information about them in this article. Quinoa, Salmon, Water, Spinach, Sweet Potato, Blueberries, Chia Seeds, Almonds, & Kale all have superfood powers beyond the rest. Take a look at why they are so special and how they can enhance your nutrition experience.


Quinoa is almost as unique in spelling and pronunciation as it is in its taste. This food is a grain. One that is highly under used and also under rated. Quinoa is packed with protein, lysine, magnesium, B2, manganese, fiber and iron. It is a grain powerhouse. You can cook Quinoa in many different recipes including salads, soups, in stir fry, or even breakfast dishes. The possibilities are endless and so are the benefits of eating this food.


You have probably heard of the many benefits of eating fish in your lifetime. Although this is true, every fish is different and provides different nutrients to our bodies.Fish are so valuable because they contain two fatty acids that our bodies need-DHA and EPA. Eating about 2 servings per week of fish is enough to reap the benefits of fatty acids. When eating fish, be mindful of mercury content, where fish are born and harvested, and how and where they are being sold. Being aware, can provide you with the knowledge to make the best selection when it comes to the fish you eat.


You might be surprised to see that water is on this list. It is so crucial and so beneficial it should be labeled a superfood all of the time. Water makes up around 60% of our bodies. Water is imperative to nearly every major function of the human body. Consuming enough water every day can boost  your mood, aid in weight loss, limit headaches, increase brain productivity, cushion joints, and prevent disease. Everyone is different in their body and how they run. Generally, a good rule of thumb is to consume ½ your body weight in ounces of water every day. This would mean that if you were a 180 pound man, you would aim to drink around 90 ounces of water every day. This does not mean you have to get this much water in from 8 am to 8 pm. Rather, keep it as a goal in your mind to drink water and make it a habit. Be more mindful and drink what your body needs.


It’s green, leafy, and most of the time gets thrown out into the trash can before you even open the bag. You might be super confident when you grocery shop and grab a few bags, only for it to sit in the bottom drawer of your fridge and go to waste. Next time you buy spinach, place a paper towel in the bag before you seal it back up. This dries up the extra moisture and will allow your produce to last longer between meals. You can also chop and freeze extra spinach in the freezer to use in soups, smoothies, and breakfast dishes. Eating spinach can help you in maintaining healthy skin, hair, and nails, as well as building a strong bone structure and helping with digestion, and lowering your chances of acquiring or developing heart disease. The National Osteoporosis Foundation recommends eating spinach for its vitamin k and magnesium levels alone. It is also a great source of iron, and should be eaten regularly to maintain healthy levels.

Sweet Potato

A little bit less popular than regular brown or russet potatoes, sweet potatoes are just as delicious and more nutrient dense. You can find them in breakfast dishes such as breakfast burritos or scrambles, or as substitutes for taco shells in taco bowls, made into delicious pizza crusts, or even cut up and baked into fries. However you spin it, adding these to your diet will boost your health. One whole uncooked sweet potato contains 86 calories, 1.6 grams of protein, 20.1 g carbohydrates, 3.0 grams of fiber, .1 g of fat, and 4.2 g of sugar. This makes it a great option for those counting calories or macros, or just being mindful of what they eat in general. They are an amazing source of vitamins A, C, B6, iron, potassium & magnesium.


Next on the list of the 10 best superfoods are blueberries. You may have already known about blueberries and their amazing nutritional value . They are small, but they are full of a vast variety of nutrients. They can help regulate heart and brain health as well as regulate blood sugar levels. Heart health is the leading cause of death worldwide. By eating blueberries,you may decrease your risk of having a heart attack by 32%. Blueberries are low in calories and fat, making them a healthy snack for everyone, including those individuals with diabetes. These little fruits are high in vitamin K1, C, and manganese as well as vitamin E, B6, and copper.

Chia Seeds

This is a popular food item as of late, and more and more people are hopping on the chia seed bandwagon. If you have never tried them before, they are small, round and black, and generally have a nutty taste to them. When added to liquid substances they can form a slimy or slippery texture. You can add these to oatmeal, on top of breads or cereals, as well as smoothies and baked goods. Like most other fruits, you can eat chia seeds raw or cooked. They are full of healthy properties and nutrients. They are an amazing source of omega 3 fatty acids, iron, fiber, calcium, and antioxidants.


Almonds are one of the food items on the list you have definitely heard of. Chances are, you have most likely tried them as well. Almonds are part of the nut family. They can be eaten in a variety of different ways including sliced, chopped, or even candied in recipes and treats. They can be added to oatmeal, smoothies, baked goods, or on top of foods as garnishes as well. Consuming almonds as part of your diet will give you a check mark in your healthy fats requirement. Try pairing them with an apple or string cheese as a light snack during the day. They are a nice compliment with other foods and can take the edge off hunger without making you extremely full.


Kale has been around for years and years. Although recently it has become a trend in the health and fitness world. Kale chips, soups with kale in the broth. and other creative ways to eat kale have surfaced on the internet. Any grocery store you shop at or farmers market that you visit, will have kale available. Kale is a mega superfood. It is jam packed with vitamins A, C, K , B6, potassium, copper, and magnesium.

Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate is one of the superfoods you would consider a treat. Depending on the kind you choose, the taste can range from bitter to semi sweet. It is also filled with fiber, iron, magnesium,    copper, & manganese. Consuming dark chocolate has several health benefits such as lowering blood pressure, increased impact on blood flow, and improved brain function. The best dark chocolate you can buy that will provide the most health benefits would be the varieties that are 70%-85% Cocoa.

Visit Genesys Men’s Health 

At Genesys Men’s Health, we value your wellness as a whole. We hope you have enjoyed this information on the 10 best superfoods every man should eat. True health starts from the inside out, and the more you invest in yourself, the easier your health journey can be. If you find you are having issues and think you might need some assistance with reproductive organ problems, give us a call. 

We have a team of doctors who specialize in Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) as well as hormone issues and Erectile Dysfunction (ED) diagnosis and testing. We know every single person is different and unique, and so is their care. Our office is located in Sandy, Utah. Stop by and make an appointment with one of our friendly staff members, or give us a call by phone at (801) 671-7456. We are happy to answer questions and get you pointed in the right direction to find you the answers you need.  Contact us today!

Top 15 Health Goals Every Man Should Have In 2021

Top 15 Health Goals Every Man Should Have In 2021

January has come and gone, and you are either in the beginning of your new year’s health goals or have waved goodbye a long time ago.

No matter what category you fall into, setting and keeping health goals for yourself is not only important for your physical health, but also your mental health. Here are some important health goal ideas every man should have in 2021.

Invest in Your Mental Health

Usually, more often than not, mental health is not associated with “health.” Our mental health affects so much of our “health,” that it’s a shame it is brushed under the rug. It’s a new year and new things can happen. Take the time to be proactive about your mental health. This could look like starting to meditate, it could look like seeing a therapist, doing something that brings you joy every day, picking up a new hobby, or just having a few quiet moments in your day to give you rest. Whatever you do, start somewhere. Taking priority over your mental health does not have to be expensive. You can start small and work your way up.

Keep a Consistency Mindset

What sets the successful people apart from the ones who are not? What is different between someone who starts a business and stops one year later, or someone who starts a business and is still working hard at it 6 years down the road? One word-consistency. Big goals start by small wins. You can only have small wins if you try and you can only try by doing something every day that gets you closer to your goal. This concept can be applied to a lot of areas of your life. You can see it in the workplace, in changing a habit, and even health and fitness. If you have a dream to lose 20 pounds this year, you are not going to wake up tomorrow, 20 pounds lighter. You are however going to wake up probably 2 to 3 months later, down 20 pounds because you chipped at it every single day. You adjusted what you ate and chose healthier options for your meals, you made sure to drink enough water, and exercise at least 30 minutes, 3 to 4 times a week. That is how success is made with anything. Consistency is key.

Don’t Give up If You Fall Off

There is not one person on this planet who has never failed at something. Or fallen off the wagon, or given up only to start over, only to give up again. It happens. The important thing is to get back up. If one of your health goals in 2021 is to eat better, and 2 days later you realize it’s 4 p.m. and all you have eaten today is 2 chocolate chip cookies, a bag of chips, some almonds, and a diet Dr. Pepper—-you can make 1 of 2 choices.

Your first choice is to say, “What the heck. I’ve eaten this much garbage today, might as well not try the rest of the day or week.” Or you can say, “I haven’t eaten as well as I intended to today, so for dinner I’m going to make myself an actual healthy meal and sit down to eat.”  Don’t give up. If you mess up, get right back on. You will make more progress standing back up then you will trying to completely start over weeks down the road.

Health is Also Relationships

As humans, it is in our DNA to want connection. We are wired for it. It is not good for us to be alone. But having many relationships is not as good as having a few healthy relationships. Take a look at who you surround yourself with and who your friends are. Would you consider those relationships to build you up? Would you consider those relationships good for you in making you want to be a better person? Do they make you feel good about yourself? Yes, we aren’t wired to be alone, but we are wired to need stability and healthy interactions. Your time and presence is valuable and your peers should reflect that. Seek health in all aspects of your life, not just physical.

Invest in Cardio

Reading that title, you are probably sweating a little. Yes, doing cardio is needed even as you get older. Especially as you get older. There are numerous benefits to regularly participating in cardio. First off being the fact that you get increased blood flow to active muscles. Some of the other benefits you will also experience are increased cardiac output, increased oxygen uptake, lower rate of all cause mortality, lower rate of colon cancer, lower rates of breast cancer, lower body fat percentage, and lower incidence of type 2 diabetes. Cardio doesn’t have to be just singularly running. You can find something to participate in that is enjoyable to you. Some cardio exercises you can choose from would be swimming,elliptical, cross country skiing, dancing, rowing, jogging etc. Generally, you want to make it a goal to do cardio training at least 3 times per week at 20-60 minute time slots. If you are a beginner, start low and slow. Try 15 minute increments and work your way up.

Strength & Resistance Training

Even if you are not in your prime years (or maybe you are) strength training is always a brilliant idea. To get started with strength training, you can sign up for a gym membership and start going 1-2 times per week. As you go, you can start adding on more days and time when you get more familiar and comfortable. Write your workouts before you go and keep in mind that you shouldn’t be working out longer than an hour and a half at the most. To become familiar with good form and for some extra accountability and guidance, hire a personal trainer to guide you through workouts to show you proper form and get you in your own unique and personal resistance training schedule. It’s always helpful to have someone to keep you accountable, especially as you first start out.

Tweak Your Nutrition

When you’re young, you don’t realize how important what you put in your body really is. Your metabolism is high, you feel great, and eating pizza and fruit cakes all day every day doesn’t really affect any part of your life in a negative way—except that you want more. Until you get older, and realize these habits aren’t going to take you far in life. Diet and what we put into our bodies is so important. When we say “diet,” we’re not talking about any fad diet or going on a restrictive binge where you only consume 1,000 calories a day. I’m generally

 talking about the food you choose to eat. Let the food you choose to eat be energy for your body. Think of the 80/20 rule. 80% of the time you should be eating for fuel and food that is good for your body. The other 20% you can eat your favorite foods and candy and junk that is just plain good. Health doesn’t have to be restrictive. You can eat the foods you love and still be in good health. Everything in moderation.

Scheduling Wellness Checks

You should at least be having a wellness exam and check up once a year. It can be easy to get out of the habit of scheduling these, so make it a priority. The good news is, most insurance companies provide a free well check each year. Anything done during your appointment is covered by your insurance. Part of aging well and staying healthy is being caught up on these appointments and aware of how your body is fairing. This allows you to tackle any issue head on and get the care and help you need when you need it.

Lifestyle Changes – Not Challenge

If your motivation for making change is to complete a challenge, chances are, you are not going to be successful long term. Challenges last a short time, and are not sustainable long term. If you are making change to have a permanent effect on your life and to live healthier, chances are, you will be successful. Lifestyle changes, whether they be physical or mental in nature-are more sustainable than any diet, quick fix, or challenge that you participate in for 21 days.

Take Your Vitamins

Ideally, you want to be getting your vitamins and minerals every day in the foods that you eat. This would look like eating a variety of green leafy vegetables and bright colored foods mixed with additional protein and fat. Realistically, for the general public that is not always attainable every single day. Work schedules and life get in the way and time and easiness play more of a role in what we eat. We are busy and the easiest options for food to grab are usually fast food items or quick packaged snacks. If you find you are not eating a diet full of micronutrients and macronutrients, it’s time to start supplementing with a daily men’s multivitamin. You will want to look for a vitamin that is made of whole foods and natural ingredients. These can be found at your local health food store.

Take up a Hobby

Finding something you enjoy doing is one of the best things you can do for your mood and your brain. It keeps you looking forward to what you are excited to do, but it also keeps your brain active and working. For some this might sound intimidating, so you don’t have to start big. You could pick up jiu jitsu, sign up for a class on a topic you are interested in learning about or learn how to do woodworking. Take time experimenting and finding out what gives you peace and relief.

Make Friends

Yes, making friends should be one of your health goals for 2021. As we grow older we tend to grow apart. We tend to keep to ourselves and not spend time with people as much. Make it a goal to keep making friends as you age and grow. Make plans to go to the movies or grab lunch with a buddy. Doing these things has more of a positive impact on your mental health than you think.

Manage Your Finances

Financial health is also part of overall health. Having your assets and wealth in order brings peace of mind and ease of life. Pay your bills on time, pay off debt, and make a budget each month. Build a savings account for a rainy day and another where you can build up 6-12 months of income in case you lose your job or experience some other life event that is uncertain.

Drink Your Water

Water has many functions in our body. It helps regulate body temperature, flushes out waste and aids brain function. It protects your joints and spinal cord, aids in digestion, and helps fight off illness just to name a few. The general population gets around 20% of their total water consumption from food every day. Eating foods that are water dense aids in this  capacity. Gage how you feel. Are you waiting until you are thirsty to drink water? Are you paying attention to your body’s cues to tell you when to drink water? Is your urine dark yellow? These are all indicators that you need to be drinking more water every day. 

Visit Genesys Men’s Health

We hope you have found our information helpful and that you implement some of the above advice. Here at Genesys Men’s Health, we specialize in difficult cases that others have given up on. We know that every man is unique and so is their treatment. If you find yourself having issues and questions about sex drive, physical stamina, energy, or emotional stability, we can help. Visit us in our office located in Sandy, Utah or give us a call at (801)-671-7456. Contact us today!

Utah Men's Health Specialists
Genesys Men's Health Institute

7535 Union Park Ave (3rd Floor), Sandy/Midvale, Utah 84047

Phone: (844) CURE4ED