Warning Signs You Are Developing Erectile Dysfunction

Warning Signs You Are Developing Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction(ED) is a condition that is common among men ages 40 and above. If you are a male and are researching this, taking the time to analyze your habits, lifestyle, and body symptoms can be a great step in the right direction in finding answers for your health. Even if you do not currently have Erectile Dysfunction, knowing the symptoms and other factors that affect the disorder will give you the knowledge you need to make informed decisions about possible care and a greater chance at avoiding the onset of ED.  Erectile Dysfunction does not have to affect your life for the long term.

What Is It Like To Experience Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile Dysfunction can be a lot like experiencing a wave of emotions. It is caused not just by physical ailments but emotional and mental ones as well. It is characterized by the inability to get or form an erection firm enough for sex. Some men fear even occasional occurrences, though that does not mean you have ED. Current research recommends that if you experience this issue more than 50% of the time, you should consider a check up with your doctor.

What Are Warning Signs I Could Develop Erectile Dysfunction?

Developing Erectile Dysfunction does not always start the way you think. In other words, it is not a “textbook”  diagnosis for everyone. Believe it or not, this physical condition is often related directly to aspects of your overall mental health. Here is a list of 5 of the things to look out for as they relate to the onset of ED:

  1. Stress
  2. Relationship Issues/Problems
  3. Lack of Sleep
  4. Poor Nutrition
  5. Lack of Exercise 


Let’s talk about stress first. If you consider yourself a highly stressed individual or someone who has a lot of stress in life, now is the time to start taking action to decrease the negative impact this can cause. Stress affects nearly every system in the human body. In some ways, it is unavoidable. The stress response is the body’s way of protecting you and is not inherently harmful. In some cases, small amounts of stress can aid you in finishing a task or being productive – even saving your life. As it relates to the onset of ED, focus on mitigating the negative type of stress. You can start implementing changes in your life to take care of your nervous system, thereby reducing the physical effects of stress. The body is an amazing machine; it strives to protect us. At the same time, it cannot differentiate between types of stress. If a heightened state of anxiety is constant in your life, it can become hard for your body to turn it off. Over time this chronic stress can weaken your immune system, trigger the onset of ED, adversely affect your digestive and reproductive systems, make you age faster, and increase your chances of suffering a heart attack or stroke. In fact- for those individuals who develop ED, you are at a higher risk of having a heart attack or other cardiac issue than those who do not have the condition. Here are a few things you can do to combat the deep stressors in your life:

  1. Maintain A Regular Sleep Schedule.
  2. Prepare For The Week Ahead.
  3. Take Time Everyday To Meditate.
  4. Meet With A Counselor Or Therapist.
  5. Get Enough Rest.

By being proactive about your overall health, you effectively decrease your stress levels now and in the future.

Relationship Issues

If you talk to any middle-aged man, chances are you won’t find one who has not had some issues in at least one relationship in their lifetime. As human beings, we are all wired differently. You have different opinions, likes and dislikes, quirks, and habits. Sometimes this can cause rifts in the relationship. It is not uncommon to have some form of relationship stress here and there. If you find that your partnership experiences more hard times than joyful ones, you may need to rethink this union. Sometimes attending couples therapy can get down to the root of the issues you are experiencing together. Sometimes, that is not the case, and going your separate ways is indeed the best for both of you. Improving communication is always a plus in a relationship. If you are experiencing stress from a relationship and are a male, this can add to your chances of developing ED in the near future. It is best to be proactive when you find yourself here. Oftentimes a couple will have relationship issues, and the onset of ED can happen. This unwelcome complication may cause more stress and problems within the relationship, in turn making symptoms worse and perpetuating a difficult cycle. Here are a few things you can do now in your relationship to avoid unneeded relationship issues:

  1. Focus On Good Communication.
  2. Meet WIth A Couples Therapist.
  3. Create Memories That Are Positive Together Frequently.
  4. Schedule A Regular Date Night.
  5. Spend Time Apart Doing Things You Each Individually Enjoy.

If you are proactive in your relationship by addressing issues and added stress, you help to reduce your odds of developing ED.

Lack of Sleep

If you have ever been in school, are a parent, or held a full-time job and working overtime-you know what it feels like to experience lack of sleep. You feel groggy, you nod off during important conversations, your body aches, your appetite is nonexistent, and you are irritable. Sound familiar? For the average man, this can be somewhat normal if the circumstances are right. Not getting enough sleep can weaken your immune system, degrade memory, lead to weight gain, increase risk of heart disease, decrease your sexual libido, and affect your exercise performance. All of these conditions increase your risk of developing Erectile Dysfunction. Need a warning sign that you are developing ED? How many hours of sleep do you get each night? If you don’t like the answer, you won’t like the outcome. Start now to make rest a high priority. Here are five ways to do just that:

  1. Purchase A Planner And Set A Schedule.
  2. Do Not Over Book Your Time.
  3. Ask For Help.
  4. Make Your Sleep Atmosphere Comfortable.
  5. Take Time To Wind Down Without Electronics.

By implementing the ideas listed above, you can increase your sleep and decrease your chances of developing Erectile Dysfunction in your lifetime.

Poor Nutrition

If you are not a Health and Fitness expert, you may not realize that health is 80% of what you eat. If you want to lose weight but don’t change your eating habits, you will not get far. Your body responds to food in good and bad ways. If you want to put this to the test, try an experiment. For two to three weeks, forgo any sugar in your diet. This includes candy, pastries, ice cream or any treats you regularly consume. In the first few days, your body will respond in noticeable ways. By drastically reducing your intake, you may initially feel lethargic, irritable, experience headaches, and have an intense cravings for sweets. After the first week, your body may start to adjust and adapt to a lower consumption of sweets. You will likely have more energy and feel better. After not eating sweets for a while, when you do start eating them again, you may notice that you feel sick after eating sugar, and you tire easily. The cravings come back and you are back to eating your regular weekly amounts of sweets. 

The same goes for certain foods that can lead to the development of Erectile Dysfunction. Individuals who eat increased amounts of soy and processed foods may have an increased chance of acquiring this condition. Eating poorly can also lead to weight gain, which is a risk factor for ED. There is no need to dramatically change your diet overnight. Start small by choosing whole foods rich in protein, vitamins and minerals. Consistently making better choices will get you on the right path to improving your health, therefore decreasing your chances of developing ED.

Lack Of Exercise

Aside from nutrition, staying active is one of the greatest things you can do to improve your overall health. Exercise has many benefits to the human body. Exercising regularly can reduce your risk of the onset of depression and anxiety- and if you already have symptoms, moving your body can make them more manageable to handle. Exercising improves sleep quality, decreases your chance of heart attack and stroke, and can lead to maintaining a healthy weight. It also lowers your chance of developing certain cancers such as bladder, breast, kidney, lung, stomach, esophagus, and colon. In terms of your sexual health, having a consistent exercise routine can boost Testosterone levels and keep them at a healthy range for your age. 

What Are Symptoms Of Erectile Dysfunction?

Symptoms of ED include loss or loss of interest in sex, low energy, and inability to get or form an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse.

How Can I Decrease My Chances Of Onset?

Decreasing your chances of onset is as easy as taking responsibility for your health and wellness. So much of what you do now will affect your future self. Take a minute to reflect on your current habits and mentally answer the following five questions:

  1. Do I Have Good Eating Habits?
  2. Are My Sleep Patterns Healthy?
  3. Do I Make My Mental And Emotional Health A Priority?
  4. Do I Have A Consistent Exercise Routine?
  5. Do I Have Good Self Care Habits In Place?

By being intentional with your health now, you help to decrease your chances of developing ED and a myriad of other disorders and conditions later in life.

If I Do Develop ED, What Does That Mean For My Health?

If you already have a diagnosis of Erectile Dysfunction, there is no need to fret. There is, however, a need to rethink your lifestyle and look at what you can change and improve today. There has been found to be a two-fold increase in heart attacks, stroke, and cardiovascular death for those individuals who have been diagnosed with ED. By informing yourself of these statistics, it becomes apparent that it is important to take care of yourself. Men around the world who do develop ED should have a comprehensive cardiovascular check-up and evaluation. 

Visit Genesys Mens Health For Your Erectile Dysfunction Needs . If you find yourself looking for information on Erectile Dysfunction, come see us. We have a team of doctors that are specialized in sexual health disorder rehabilitation and treatment. The staff is very friendly and willing to help answer any questions or concerns you may have. You can also find some help on our website at https://www.genesysmenshealth.com/erectile-dysfunction-test/. Here you will find a free self-test that will allow you to submit your answers after you take a quiz. It will then be submitted to our team of doctors who will contact you with the results. We have an office located in Sandy, Utah. Come in to see us or give us a call at (801) 671-7456. We are excited to care for you. Contact us today!

Warning Signs You Are Developing Erectile Dysfunction

The Warning Signs You Are Developing Erectile Dysfunction

For some men, Erectile Dysfunction is not something they experience in their lifetime. For others, they may develop it between their 20s and 70s.

It can be different for everyone. Here is what you need to know and the warning signs to look for so that you can be proactive about your sexual health. Erectile Dysfunction can be treated, and at Genesys Men’s Health, we have all of the resources to get you back on track and feeling like yourself again.

What Is ED?

Oxford Dictionary defines Erectile Dysfunction as the inability of a man to maintain an erection sufficient for satisfying sexual activity. This disorder can develop between the ages of 20 to well into your adult years, such as 70 and forward. 

How Common Is ED?

Unless you have ED, you probably don’t give it a thought during your day. For those who do have it, you are not alone. Up to 76.5% of men around the globe live with Erectile Dysfunction every day.

Warning Signs of ED

You might consider the possibility of having ED if you have some new or worsening symptoms that might be worrisome. Some symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction are the inability to get and keep an erection, exhaustion, and loss of interest in sexual activity. It is not uncommon to have failed erections a few times in your life. According to the Cleveland Clinic, around 20% of the time, having failed erections is considered normal. When it starts to happen more than half of your sexual encounters, that is when it would be time to see a doctor. 

What Are Causes of ED?

The main cause for the onset of this disorder is mother nature herself: age. You can’t control the aging process, unfortunately. But you can influence HOW you age and what happens along the way. Lifestyle is a large contributor to the chances of you developing Erectile Dysfunction. Things you do every day can be leading you to or away from this disorder. Some common causes of ED are:

  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Relationship Issues
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Certain prescription medication
  • Diet high in processed foods
  • Drug use
  • Alcohol use
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Obesity
  • High cholesterol
  • Diabetes
  • Age
  • Kidney Disease
  • Low Testosterone
  • Depression
  • Pelvic injury
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • High blood pressure

Take a minute and make a check by every symptom you may be experiencing. If the results are concerning, make an appointment and get checked out.

Working with Your Partner

It can be a vicious cycle. You have relationship stress which contributes to your Erectile Dysfunction, but having the disorder creates stress on your relationship and you are back in the same boat. So how do you keep your relationship thriving while dealing with ED? Here are our tips:

  1. Keep open communication.
  2. Be vulnerable and take turns sharing your feelings and concerns about ED.
  3. Vocally offer to support each other.
  4. Make time to connect.
  5. If needed, consult a therapist or counselor.

Erectile Dysfunction does not have to mean doom in your relationship. There is no reason you cannot have the relationship you desire while getting help for your ED.

How Can I Positively Affect My Chances of Not Developing ED?

The answer to this question is simple. Take care of yourself. Now that can look different for different people, but essentially, it has the same core factors.

  • Nutrition

Nutrition is one of the most severely underrated and under used tools you can use to better your life. Unless you were a part of a nutrition class in school or had parents who taught you the importance of eating nutritious food, you aren’t fully equipped with the knowledge needed to live a healthy lifestyle. For most Americans, that is the case. It can be due to income level, parental careers, and other factors, but that is a topic for another day. Here is what you can do now.  Educate yourself on nutritious food and how it affects your body. When you know better, you do better. Here are 5 ways to jumpstart your nutrition:

  1. Include protein at each meal.
  2. Drink 100 oz. of water each day.
  3. Eat vegetables at each meal.
  4. Take a vitamin supplement.
  5. Limit sugar intake.
  • Exercise

This topic can tie in with mental health as well. Exercise releases happy hormones that boost mood. Aside from this positive effect, exercise keeps you young. Here are 5 benefits of consistent exercise:

  1. Increased happy mood.
  2. Better circulation.
  3. Decreased chance of developing chronic illness.
  4. Healthy heart.
  5. Increased bone strength.

The CDC suggests Americans get 150 minutes of aerobic exercise each week. In addition to this suggestion, it is advised to add in at least 2 days of strength training per week for added benefits.

  • Mental Health

Mental health is a huge factor in your overall well-being. So much of what is in your head affects so much of what is outside of it. Mental health is also not recognized in society as it should be. With so many factors of life weighing on our mental health, this is a definite change needed to happen for individuals to live more well. Here are 5 ways to address your mental health and improve your symptoms of ED:

  1. Cultivate relationships that are enriching.
  2. Set boundaries with work and home life.
  3. Set an appointment with a therapist.
  4. Exercise regularly.
  5. Prioritize rest.

Putting your mental health first will be of great importance in healing from ED.

Visit Genesys Men’s Health for Your Erectile Dysfunction Needs

At Genesys Men’s Health, we care about your health. We have the resources and tools to help treat your Erectile Dysfunction. You will find a team of intelligent staff who are trained in treatments for ED. You can also check out our free resources on our website at genesysmenshealth.com. Our office is located in Sandy, Utah. Come on in or give us a call at (801)-671-7456. Contact us today!

Utah Men's Health Specialists
Genesys Men's Health Institute

7535 Union Park Ave (3rd Floor), Sandy/Midvale, Utah 84047

Phone: (844) CURE4ED