Jeff Pollock

Jeff Pollock, Physician Assistant - Genesys Men's Health
Jeff Pollock, PA (Physician Assistant)

Jeff Pollock, PA (Physician Assistant)

  • 2016 Advanced Bio-identical Hormone Therapy training completion
  • 2008-2016 Completion of all 4 training programs with Worldlink Medical under world-renowned Bio-identical hormone pioneer Dr. Neil Rouzier.
  • 1998 Graduated MCP Hahnemann University Physician Assistant program
  • 1998 Graduated MCP Hahnemann University, BS degree

Jeff has worked with Genesys Medical Institute as a leading hormone doctor & thyroid specialist for about 10 years. Jeff continues to work with Utah Wellness Institute on and off for approximately the last 10 years.

Jeff has been married to his wife Karen for over 26 years and has four children all boys, 3 of which live with him at his home in Draper Utah. His oldest son is currently serving an LDS mission in the Canada Edmonton mission.

Utah Men's Health Specialists
Genesys Men's Health Institute

7535 Union Park Ave (3rd Floor), Sandy/Midvale, Utah 84047

Phone: (844) CURE4ED