8 Effects of Testosterone on a Man's Body

8 Effects of Testosterone on a Man’s Body

In today’s blog, we’ll cover the eight effects of Testosterone, and how they impact every male alive on the globe. 

Testosterone is the king of hormones, and has many roles in the human body. Without it, human beings’ survival would be at risk.


Testosterone Is a hormone produced by the male Testes. It is known for its effects in maturation, including deepening voice, growth of body hair, puberty, sex drive, and other body functions. Men and women both produce and survive with circulating Testosterone in the blood. Although it can have different effects and responses in different genders, it is still as important for each individual on planet earth.

Where Does It Come From?

The production of Testosterone is more elaborate than you would think. The body is an incredible machine. Thus, creating this hormone involves a system called a “feedback loop.”

This feedback loop broken down means that if you are not making enough Testosterone for your body, it will send signals to make more. In the reverse, if you are taking Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT), your body will see this added supply and shut down or limit your own production of the hormone. This can be controversial in the long run if the TRT is stopped or lessened. Your body no longer will make the hormone you need and your choice to stop TRT renders you to have Low T repeated.

For males, the production of Testosterone starts in the brain: with the Hypothalamus, or the Hypothalamus releases Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH). Once this is released, it stimulates the release of the Anterior Pituitary Luteinizing Hormone and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FH). Luteinizing hormone then stimulates the Leydig cells, which then produce Testosterone.

Why Do I Need Testosterone?

Without this hormone, a lot of very important body functions would be decreased or non-existent. In order to progress physically in our lifetime as we get older, we need this hormone on board. When an individual suffers from too much Testosterone or too little Testosterone, there are also many side effects that arise. 

Too Much Testosterone

When Testosterone levels being circulated in the body reach an abnormal high, there can be trouble ahead for the individual in the driver’s seat. One might experience increased amounts of facial acne and more breakouts than usual. Other symptoms one might experience would be high blood pressure, passing out and or fainting, headaches, nausea, dizziness, Erectile Dysfunction (ED), early male pattern baldness or excessive hair growth, depression, anxiety, irritability, stroke, abnormal prostate growth, heart attack, swelling, slurred speech, trouble breathing, the appearance of breast tissue, muscle and connective tissue damage, and pulmonary embolisms. A few factors that can cause an individual to have high Testosterone are using anabolic steroids to boost sports or physical performance, undergoing TRT for low T levels, accidentally coming in contact with or touching prescription Testosterone gel or cream, and having tumor growth or tumors grow on your testicles or Adrenal Glands.

Too Little Testosterone

This condition of too little Testosterone is also clinically termed “Hypogonadism.” There are a vast variety of symptoms associated with this condition. Symptoms of Hypogonadism are as follows: trouble with erections, ED, fatigue, mood changes, reduced bone mass, hair loss, reduced testicular size, reduced sperm production, Osteoporosis, decreased muscle mass, lowered sexual desire, hot flashes, increase in body fat, increased cardiovascular risk, or gaining weight. There are generally 2 types of Hypogonadism, namely primary and secondary. Primary Hypogonadism is characterized by the testicles not responding to hormone stimulation. In Secondary Hypogonadism, a disease or other state can interfere with the Pituitary Gland or the Hypothalamus, which are the main areas in the body that affect the production of Testosterone. Certain diseases or other states that cause type 2 Hypogonadism would be; cirrhosis of the liver, toxins, stress, obesity, or malnutrition. Other factors that can cause Low T are depression, anxiety, consuming extremely low amounts of food and or calories, decreased fat intake, drug and alcohol use, chronic illness and poor sleep patterns. The (AUA) has said that a Testosterone level of at least 300 nanograms per deciliter is considered a normal level for a male. Anything below this level would be termed “Low T.” Levels ranging from 450-600 are considered to be normal.

Treatment Options to Increase Testosterone Levels

Injection: This option is a series of injections done in the office and or in your home. The first visit can be used to demonstrate how to administer the injections, and then if chosen, the individual can choose to continue treatments at home.

Cream: This is a prescription Testosterone Cream that you can apply directly to your skin. Coming in contact with this cream for anyone who is not wanting to adjust their Testosterone is advised to proceed with caution.

Patches: This route of therapy uses medical Testosterone patches placed directly on the skin. These patches release Testosterone into the bloodstream and are changed every 24 hours.

Pellets: Pellets are small devices that are placed directly under your skin. You will have them placed around the buttocks and thigh region of your body. Testosterone is released gradually and slowly over time. This is an option for individuals who are looking for low maintenance, as they do not need to be replaced frequently—only every 3-6 months.

Oral Medications: This category is for the pills you take by mouth. They also release Testosterone into your body at a gradual pace.

Free Online Testosterone Self-Test

If you suffer from Low T, or feel you may have some signs but aren’t sure where to start—begin here. This test will prompt you with a series of questions and have you talk to our specialists for a discounted rate after you get your results

Here is a sample of some of the questions you might see on the quick self-test we provide, checking all that apply:

𛰫 I have a reduced desire for sex that is not OK with me.
𛰬 I have erectile dysfunction
𛰬 I have a lack of drive and motivation that affects my productivity
𛰬 I lack energy and am always tired
𛰜 Life is less enjoyable than it used to be

This online test will protect your privacy and also allow us to help you get the results you need. You can find our self-test here

What Else Can I Do To Keep A Healthy Testosterone Level?

Taking care of your body is going to be the number 1 factor in how well your body produces and uses Testosterone. Investing in your body and mind will have positive effects for years and years to come. You can never go wrong with taking the time and effort to put self-care at the top of the list. Here are a few things you can start working on to increase your chances of a healthier life with normal Testosterone ranges:

  1. Exercise regularly & consistently
  2. Eat a balanced diet 
  3. Consume enough Micronutrients and Macronutrients each day
  4. Get 7-9 hours of restful sleep each night
  5. Invest in your mental health

 8 Effects of Testosterone on a Man’s Body


Every male goes through puberty in their lifetime. Although the age can vary, it usually starts around age 12. Voices deepen, body odor increases, body hair appears on private areas and under the arms, on the legs, face, and chest. Acne can sometimes be a factor as well as hitting a growth spurt. Maturity of penis and testicles is also a byproduct. Testosterone levels rise during this puberty phase of life and level off in early adulthood. Usually, around age 30-40, levels of Testosterone start to decrease slowly over time. By the age of 80, Testosterone levels drop significantly, simply as a byproduct of the aging process. This is a normal part of getting older, and in most cases does not require any form of therapy. Experiencing some difficulty with erections and sexual libido once in a while can be considered normal in a man’s life. When individuals are experiencing symptoms of low Testosterone in the youthful years of their life that are becoming increasingly more common or occurring 50% or more of the time, then it is advised to seek additional help.

-Muscle Growth

Testosterone increases the number of neurotransmitters in the body, which in turn affect tissue growth. This special hormone also increases levels of Growth Hormone, which makes it easier to build muscle during exercise or training. Androgen exposure early in life will determine the size and number of motor units in our muscles. These factors, along with physical features, determine the size of muscle fibers. Simply put, when male babies are in the womb and growing, androgen exposure can determine how well their muscles will grow in adulthood.

Exercise is another factor that can affect muscle growth. It depends on the intensity and consistency of the exercise completed. Performing exercise can show a short-term release of Testosterone which will aid in muscle growth. The harder you work, the more Testosterone you will get. This can also be true on the flip side. If you are working out in mostly an endurance-based exercise program, your Testosterone levels will likely decrease or be suppressed.

-Bone Growth

What’s one hormone that tells the bone marrow to manufacture more red blood cells? Testosterone. When Testosterone levels are normal, bone density is accurate.

-Body Hair

Increased amounts of body hair is a result of Testosterone production. We see this mainly in adolescence when males hit 12 years old. Hair starts to grow heavier on the body. In instances where too much Testosterone is introduced to the body via TRT or other methods, excess body hair is also a by-product for males and females alike. Hair growth can also be shown in the reverse for increased Testosterone production. Male pattern baldness can be a risk when T levels get higher than normal.


Sometimes in the media and movies, Testosterone is portrayed by Hulk-like anger or in-depth mood swings. Although mood swings and roller coaster emotions can happen, generally in puberty and adolescence, this drastic visual is not accurate. In some cases where Testosterone is being taken with TRT, the mood and mood swings can become more drastic. This is not until later in life when an individual chooses to start TRT if their own Testosterone levels are low on their own.

-Weight Loss

In a review conducted by The Current Opinion in Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Obesity, a link between weight loss and TRT was found. When men who were considered obese who also suffered from low T or underwent TRT, they saw a significant reduction in weight. 

-Regulation of Sex Drive

When individuals suffer from low T, their sexual libido, or sex drive, will automatically decrease. Less Testosterone circulated in the body means less sexual feelings and drive for sex. A symptom of having less than normal levels of Testosterone is fatigue. It comes as no surprise that when an individual gets too tired or fatigued, sex or foreplay seem less appealing.

-Sperm Production

This process is termed “Spermatogenesis.” This is the process by which sperm is produced in the male’s body in the Testes. Testosterone regulates this sequence.

Testosterone is absolutely crucial to spermatogenesis, including meiosis and spermiogenesis.

Visit Genesys Men’s Health for Your Testosterone Needs

At Genesys Men’s Health, We are here to serve you every step of the way. With vast amounts of knowledge on Testosterone levels in our patients, we are equipped with the tools to help you on the path to a healthier and happier lifestyle. There are many effects of Testosterone in the male body, and we can help you determine if you need additional resources. We understand each individual that walks through our doors is unique, and so is their situation. If you have questions about your Testosterone levels, look no further. Our office is located in Sandy, Utah. Come in and talk with our friendly staff, or give us a call at (801)-671-7456. Contact us today!

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Utah Men's Health Specialists
Genesys Men's Health Institute

7535 Union Park Ave (3rd Floor), Sandy/Midvale, Utah 84047

Phone: (844) CURE4ED